I love that she worked, you've got the read her account of working in the lingerie store and learned how to drive. (I'm totally jealous that she's able to drive and I've had to stop due to my visual impairment) and she's living her dream as a writer.
There were a few things that made me sad, flat out angry, but there were also lots of things that made me laugh. Reading Deaf isn't Dumb was like listening to a friend relate intimate moments from her life. I took away a better sense of the author and more importantly I was encouraged to live a better quality of life. Having a disability isn't an excuse to give up living, but a chance to see in a unique way, that others take for granted.
Deaf isn't Dumb is worth your time and money. I strongly recommend that you read this memoir for yourself. Thank you Ms. Chevrestt for sharing your life.
You're stupid. You're retarded. You shouldn't have this job. These words lit a fire of determination in one deaf woman who set out to prove to the aviation world…and the world in general that deaf isn't dumb.
Deaf Isn't Dumb is a motivational story of a young woman, Tara, who faces the challenges of growing up "hearing impaired" in a hearing world. Follow her as she recounts everything from childhood bullies to work related restrictions, and funny misunderstandings from mispronounced words to fear of Federal Air Marshals. In this tale, straight from the heart, learn that simply because one is deaf—contrary to popular misconception—it doesn't mean they are dumb.
Buy Link:
You can find Tara
I don't think I can truly express how much I enjoyed your memoir. Five stars doesn't cover nor does saying I LOVED it. Just know it means a lot to me.
In the meantime enjoy the buffet and open bar. Chef and Tyrell are standing by.
Always love being on your blog. Thanks again for having me. :)
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