I’m excited to be guesting with W.Lynn today and getting to celebrate birthdays with her. I know she’s not been feeling the best, so I wanted my post to be special and fun. Oh and hot. I love a hot post. So... What’s something hot that has to do with birthdays?

Oh and I brought some necklaces we can all share. Nice and festive.
And for COCKtail hour.... hee hee. What a great shaker!
I’ve got some great playing cards, some streamers to brighten up the place, and a few other things. I think a rousing game of pin the Torpedo on the Sailor would be fun!
Where would we go for my birthday? Steakhouse. Or sea food. Filet mignon. Yummmm. What’s your birthday food poison, WLynn?
I’m not a cake person, but I do like ice cream, so how about we share those candles and whip up a big ‘ole batch of ice cream? We can put those candles to use. The two scoops would be great added decoration. Sound like a plan?
I say it’s time to celebrate! Who wants to pin the torpedo first?
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Want to know more about Wendi Zwaduk? Here you go:
I always dreamt of writing the stories in my head. Tall, dark, and handsome heroes are my favorites, as long as he has an independent woman keeping him in line. I earned a BA in education at Kent State University and currently hold a Masters in Education with Nova Southeastern University.
I love NASCAR, romance, books in general, Ohio farmland, dirt racing, and my menagerie of animals. I’m published with Total-E-Bound, Changeling Press, Liquid Silver Books and The Wild Rose Press. Come join me for this fantastic journey!
And I'll throw in a copy of When You're With Me as a giveaway to a commenter.
A topless dancer and a cynical cop doesn’t equal a lifetime love...or does it?
There’s more to Jude Nelson than just a sequined thong. She’s got big dreams to become an artist. There’s one tiny wrinkle in her plan—she’ll never forget the bloody image of her friend’s battered body in the dumpster.
Who can a nude dancer turn to for help? Certainly not a hardened undercover cop...
Detective Drew Alwyn is on the case to find out who murdered his good friend and fellow officer. But the moment he sees Jude, he can’t look away. He has to decide which is more important—his dedication to his job or the girl who holds his bruised and battered heart.
Will these two opposites come together to solve the case or will their desire consume them?
Reader Advisory: This story contains scenes of bondage, mentions of drug use by secondary characters, silk, sequins and art supplies used in foreplay, voyeurism and a little spanking for good measure.
Available NOW from Total-E-Bound!
Don't know about you, but this was so much fun!
It does have fun...but birthday or no, I'm afraid I can't share Gerard with you. He is such a needy boy...
Great blog!
Muwhahahah. But I already have him tucked happily in my....er...pocket. Muwhahahahahahaha
I love birthday parties!! Especially with Gerard in attendance. LOL! I will have awesome images to get through work today! Happy Birthday!
I love birthday cake myself with lots of cream in the middle...
Oh, that sounds so dirty! *LOL*
I really like the party favours, my kinda party indeed!
Thanks Mel! I wanted to give WLynn a great day. Hee hee. I'm so bad! Gerard says hi, too. He's still in my pocket. (enter evil laugh!)
Victoria - i don't know if this party can get much dirtier, but I like you're idea for the cake. That's inventive. Hmm... I'm thinking we need more man candy and strippers! Male strippers. (evil laugh getting louder)
Love the party favors! Those are too fun! I'm still stuck on the part about not being a cake person. lol
When You're With Me looks fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway.
Michelle V
I've never been big on cake. More of an ice cream girl. Shrug. You can have the cake, I'll eat the ice cream and everyone is happy. Grin. I hope you enjoy the book, Michelle. :-)
Hi Wendi, I see the guys have been taking really good care of you!
I LOVED this post and the pics. My favorite birthday food is crab cakes. Chef has been elbows deep in those luscious tasties all week. Oh and chocolate cake and ice cream. Yummmmm. Yummmmm.
I wanna play pin the torpedo!
Happy Birthday!
I like the idea of the male strippers. LOL Those party favors are great. Most would be good for bachlorette parties too.
WHEN YOU'RE WITH ME does sound like a really good book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I love the birthday decorations, I'll have to remember them for my daughters birthday! Looks like Gerard is going to be awful busy with all the ladies after him. Of course I bet he has some great places to eat our ice cream off of!
W. Lynn - crab cakes...mmmm.....with bacon wrapped scallops i can eat off Gerard. Yeah. There's a couple divots on that chest that need ice cream dollops? Anyone want to help?
Where's the torpedo for W. Lynn?
June - funny you should mention that. i got most of the ideas FROM bachelorette party sites. Hee hee. I'm so bad. But hey, those candles work for just about anything. OH! Look! The lights are out? Hmm... Lemme get my trusty candle! I could hold this wonderful for the rest of the night.
Sue - Gerard is busy, but that's why he keeps in shape - he's got all of us running after him. He doesn't mind. Loves the attention. Plus, he knows how his brogue gives me shivers. Grin.
This post was Great!!!!!! I love the candles!!!!
Thank you,
Ollie Moss
Giggle! Ollie, I thought you'd love it.
Sounds like a great party!
Hope you all have a great time!
mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com
It was a lot of fun, but heck the fun's still going on! Keep partying!
So who won the book? Why June M did!!! :::Throwing confetti::::
I'll be emailing you in a few, June and will be announcing it on my blog tomorrow!!!
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